Monday, February 16, 2009

5 Tips to Help You Sell Your Home Fast

By Chantelle Mahan
Prudential Montana Real Estate

There is no question that in many parts of the country, houses are currently on the market longer. As a seller, this slow-down means there is more competition for a limited pool of potential buyers. Consider the following five tips to place your home on the fast track to sale:

Price It Right
The first 30 days are the most critical. If your home is priced too high, interested buyers may never even tour your listing. The longer the property is on the market, the fewer the prospects.

Deciding the value of a home isn’t an exact science. Yet, there is data to help you determine a fair asking price that is right on target. You may want to hire a real estate appraiser for an objective, unbiased estimate. Then consult with a real estate professional who can help you determine true market value based on a comparable market analysis, which will include recent home sale transactions as well as homes currently on the market. From your analysis, you may want to price your home conservatively to give it a competitive edge.

Make Your Home Irresistible
Unless they are looking for a fixer-upper, most homesellers are more likely to make a bid on a home that they can enjoy immediately. Therefore, you need to create an environment the buyer can’t resist. In other words, do everything you can to make the home so attractive, charming, cozy, inviting, comfortable and exciting that a buyer will want to buy that lifestyle for himself.

Evaluate the home from a buyer’s point of view. An experienced real estate professional will be able to offer an objective view and will also know what buyers are asking for. Get your home in tip-top shape by making repairs and cosmetic improvements, and removing clutter. This may mean investing in a few upgrades to modernize your home’s look such as installing newer carpet and light fixtures and painting the walls a neutral shade.

Create Traffic
If you want buyers to see your home, you must first find the buyers. Work with your real estate professional to design a marketing plan that is flexible and capitalizes on your property’s most desirable features. Your strategy should include ways to reach buyers online and offline – such as word of mouth, the Internet, yard signs, direct mail, open houses and so on.

Go with a Professional
Selling a home is more than just putting a sign in your yard and having a listing on the Internet. And in a competitive market, you don’t really want to take the chance of making novice mistakes that can slow the selling of your home. By hiring a real estate professional, you get the benefit of an experienced marketer and negotiator who is familiar with real estate issues in your community. A real estate professional can offer worthy advice on pricing and staging your home based on their vast experience.

Plus, there’s the added value of the peer-to-peer networking among real estate professionals, which can bring buyers and sellers together – sometimes even before the property goes on the market.

Offer Incentives
Offering incentives can be just the impetus a potential buyer needs to select your property over others. You may want to consider offering a carpet or paint allowance. Or, pay for a professional home inspection or a home warranty – and, depending on your market and budget, offer to pay some of the closing costs.

Don’t be discouraged if there are competing homes for sale in your neighborhood. With just a few smart moves, you can turn a buyers’ market in your favor.

Chantelle Mahan can be reached at (406)570-4085. Prudential Montana Real Estate is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's a Great Time to Buy

If you’re ready to buy a home and can afford it, now is a great time to buy. Mortgage interest rates remain very low, buyers have a lot of inventory from which to choose and long-term homeownership continues to be one of the best ways for the typical American to build wealth.
Don’t let all of the negative media attention about the “mortgage meltdown” keep you from pursuing your homeownership dream. Mortgage industry woes are primarily limited to subprime loans and other types of creative and comparatively risky financing products. While the mortgage industry stalled briefly to reconsider its more exotic loans, there is plenty of conventional financing available for qualified homebuyers. Interest rates remain at historically low levels – still less than 6% for the typical, 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.
Indeed, the market has changed. It’s gone from a frenzied seller’s market to calmer buyer’s market. In fact, buyers haven’t seen a market this strong in years. When the national median home price dropped for the first time on record, the decline made huge albeit misleading headlines. For starters, there is no such thing as a national real estate market. All real estate markets are local and driven by local factors that include the local economy, housing supply and demand factors and other attributes like geography.
The slight decline followed years of unprecedented steep home price appreciation and the reality is that only a handful of markets experienced price declines. Corrections in markets that experienced exorbitant home price appreciation were expected and signal good news for buyers. According to 2007 third-quarter National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) statistics, the vast majority of the nation’s metropolitan areas showed rising or stable home prices with most areas experiencing modest gains.
Right now there are many homes from which to choose and in most areas buyers don’t have to deal with the harried and hurried competition of multiple bids. The changing market has also changed the inventory landscape to include fewer speculative sellers and a larger share of serious and motivated sellers.
Prospective homebuyers have some time to shop inventory and thoroughly compare home types and prices, amenities, neighborhoods, commutes and other important real estate-related features. And buyers have stronger price negotiation power as sellers compete for their attention by offering concessions or other incentives.
While all real estate markets have ups and downs, Americans continue to consistently build wealth through homeownership. According to the NAR:
· One average, the value of a home doubles every 10 years. During the past three decades, home values have increased an average of 6.6% per year.
· The average homeowner today has 36 times the wealth of the average renter. Homeowners are essentially paying themselves when they pay their mortgages and this means they’re building equity. Homeowners also benefit from some real estate-related tax write-offs like mortgage interest.
· Sixty percent of the average homeowner’s wealth is their home’s equity. For homeowners who’re in their homes for the long-term, home equity typically is their single largest source of wealth.
Because every market is different, it’s a good idea for potential homebuyers to contact a local real estate specialist to learn more about what’s happening in his or her community and real estate market. The bottom line in real estate doesn’t change – if you’re ready to buy and can afford to make a long-term homeownership commitment, it’s always a good time to buy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

After having just returned from Northern North Dakota, I felt moved to comment on our market, our town and how blessed we are.

Not that N. Dakota doesn't have its great features (although you couldn't see them under the 10 feet of snow and 40 mph winds), we couldn't ask for a more beautiful place to live. Just look around. Wherever you are, you have views of mountains, trees, hills, wide open skies. WOW! Yes, the wind may blow occassionally, but I am telling you, it is manageable.

So I hear that the last week in real estate has been very busy. Just this morning at our office meeting, we heard stories of multiple offers, busy open houses and ringing phones. Even the front page of the paper had positive news...

If you have been thinking about buying, there really couldn't be a better time. We will likely see price reductions slow down with all the activity that is happening and as long as interest rates stay steady (they are at an all time low!), there is going to be competition and positive movement in the market.

Of course, if you or anyone you know is interested in buying or selling, I'm never too busy for your referrals! Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 9, 2009

So blogging is all the rage, huh?

So, everyone says that blogging is all the rage. Here we go! I am not one for writing much or for journaling, so this may be the most boring blog ever. I'd like to focus this blog on real estate issues as I have associated it with my website, My husband tells me there is a family blog somewhere, but I'll give this a shot first. After all, I have only been on Face Book a month or so and never really got into My Space at all.

What kind of information would be helpful to everyone? I think I will put a link to this on my neighborhood website so people in my own neighborhood can easily ask questions and dialogue about the real estate conditions here in Elk Grove and the Bozeman area. But I would love to help anyone out there with any questions or concerns you may have.

2009 seems to be starting off with a fresh outlook. Everyone is relieved to have 2008 behind them and are ready to start this year off with a more positive attitude. Whether or not you think that 2009 may or may not be better economically than '08, I remind you that perception becomes reality and there is definately a perception of "hope and change" out there.

Speaking of which, there is only 11 days until our new President is inaugurated. Whether you voted for him or not, it is essential to our country that this administration have success. Our economy and country depends on it.

So, market wise it seems that there is more activity among buyers. Interest rates are at a 30 year LOW and prices are at probably a 4 year low (OK, at least 2 year low!). I know you hear it all the time, but this really is a great time to buy. Whether you might need your first home, an investment property, interested in a distressed foreclosure, whatever your interests, I encourage you to start investigating the market. Look at several properties, keep updated on changes on existing and new listings and get educated. The internet is an endless source of information on real estate, prices and lending and the more educated you are, the better deal you will get all around. I'd be happy to help you get your feet wet. Call, email or text me anytime, oh, and don't forget to write on my blog!!